Sunday, October 10, 2021

Changes in 0m25.1 prerelease

 Can now install to raidz1 and raidz2

Rebuild many packages for libpng update

You can now create alien zone templates

Python being gradually migrated to 3.9

Update links to 2.23

Update xfig to 3.2.8a

Update emacs to 27.2

Update rrdtool to 1.7.2

Update icoutils to 0.32.3

Update pekwm to 0.1.18

Update wxWidgets to 3.1.5

Update gnuplot to 5.4.1

Update meson to 0.58.0

Update Xfce to 4.16

Update jdk8 to 8u292, 8u302

Update jdk15u to 15.0.3

Update jdk16u to 16.0.2

Add doctl

Update Pale Moon to 29.4.1

Update babl to 0.1.86

Update php to 7.4.21

Update bind to 9.11.32

Update gegl to 0.4.30

Update gimp to 2.10.24

Update Python to 3.7.12, 3.8.12, 3.9.7

Update Go to 1.15.15, 1.16.8

Add Go 1.17.1

Update ruby to 2.6.8, 2.7.4

Add ruby 3.0.2 (and 64-bit)

Update JRuby to 9.2.19

Update postgres to 11.13, 12.8, 13.4

Add postgres 14.0

Update Django to 3.2.7

Update IceWM to 2.3.4

Update irssi to 1.2.3

Update gnu grep to 3.6, and only ship 64-bit

Update gnu make to 4.3, make 64-bit

Update nginx to 1.20.1

Update apache httpd to 2.4.49

Update pmd to 6.38.0

Update spotbugs to 4.2.3

Add libXaw3d 1.6.3

Update ProjectLibre to 1.9.3

Update imagination to 3.6

Update bluefish to 2.2.12

Update geany to 1.37.1

Update tree to 1.8.0 (thanks Dario Vladović)

Package jdk17

Update Node.js v12.22.6, v14.17.6

Update gnutls to 3.6.16

Update mousepad to 0.5.7

Update Ant to 1.9.16, 1.10.11

Update ristretto to 0.11.0

Update gstreamer and plugins to 1.16.3

Add libXfont2 2.0.5

Update XScreensaver to 6.01

Add cli53

Aiming to replace bzr with breezy

Add age v1.0.0

Update Groovy to 2.5.15, 3.0.9

Update pgBadger to 11.6

Update subversion to 1.14.1

Update lua to 5.3.6

Update LGI to 0.9.2

Update awesome to 4.3

Add gcc10 for illumos shadow

Update scala to 2.13.6

Update fossil to 2.16